Celtic Sundial Necklace in Pewter


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  • Handcrafted
  • Engraved with “Carpe Diem” meaning “Seize the day”
  • 31-inch black silk cord (included)
  • Comes with Instructions for Sundial



Pewter jewelry like this pendant will last a lifetime. Not only is this necklace strong and beautiful, it is engraved with a Celtic knot design and the words “Carpe Diem.” The reason for the Carpe Diem engraving, is that King Henry II had a copy made of a sundial that Eleanor of Aquitaine once gave him, and on that copy he added those words as a gift to Eleanor. She had first given him the sundial so that he would know when it was time to meet up with her, and then he decided to make an even better version as a romantic gift to her. Whether you feel connected to the romance behind this necklace, or you just think this would be a great piece to add to your steampunk accessory collection, this is a pendant that will quickly become one of your favorite keepsakes.

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